What Are The Machines For Processing Plantain Flour In Nigeria?
What are the machines for processing banana flour in Nigeria? In fact, in the production of plantain flour, a complete production line of plantain flour is generally used for processing. Plantain is a major food source in Nigeria and many parts of sub-Saharan Africa, with studies showing that plantain production exceeds 70 million metric tons per year. Despite this number, we are still in short supply because plantain is perishable in transit and not easy to store, and usually people process it into plantain flour for sale. This means that plantain flour has great commercial value. https://youtu.be/nJ9aHmrjhfA Plantain Flour Processing Machine In Nigeria Plantain blanching machine: After picking plantains of similar maturity and good quality, they need to be blanched. Plantains have tougher skin, so placing the plantains in very hot water…